New User Introduction to Talkou, Its Connected Platforms, and Business Account

Sun Chanras
Sun Chanras 1 day ago · updated
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Talkou is a messaging platform for businesses, buying, selling, renting, and hiring. Communicating with your buyers and sellers in one place and securely. Selling products or services, finding suppliers, hiring new employees, finding or renting real estate, we have got them all covered.


Messaging on Talkou is free for all users on our ecosystem. You may use one or more of our connected platforms, and keep authentication and messaging on Talkou. It makes things a lot more easier and secure for you.

Talkou on its own is just a messaging platform, to be able to post something you need to use its connected platforms. For instance, you will need to use to post products or services on the B2B marketplace. Like if you want to post jobs and search for job seekers, you will need to use

Check our current connected platforms below to see more of what we can offer.

Connected Platforms

1. B2B Marketplace

Biswish is a B2B marketplace platform for freelancers, business owners, and large enterprises looking to have an online presence for their B2B products and services.  Biswish allows you to post details of your products and services including photos and videos attached to your posts.

You can also create a business page to represent your business and manage multiple team members for your page.

For salespersons, purchasers, and freelancers, you can create a profile and list the information about the things you are looking for that you expect other users to contact you.



2. Buys and Sales

Post new or used products and items you want to sell or find people who want to buy your products and items with ease.

3. Job Posts and Hiring

Qoosi is a job posting, job searching, and hiring platform. Employers or recruiters can create company pages, post jobs, search job seeker profiles, view resumes, and contact job seekers directly.

Job seekers can search for and apply for jobs online or apply on employers' websites with just a few clicks. Job seekers can also create talent profiles to let employers or recruiters know you are looking for a new role.



4. Real Estate

You can post properties for selling, renting, or leasing now, we can deliver your property posts to larger buyers. You can also search for property posts you want and contact the posters directly.

5. Autos Marketplace

Car dealers and car owners can post new or used cars for selling, renting, or leasing. Car buyers can search car posts and contact dealers or car owners directly on our platform.

Business Account

Talkou has the concept of business accounts that let you create your own business account with your business name and logo. 

You can add and manage multiple team members. You and your team members can create advertisements, create product onboarding posts. You can transfer credits from business accounts to and from other connected platforms.


Talkou has its own advertising networks with connected platforms. Advertising on Talkou can be very cost-effective, reach much wider audiences, and be much more engaging.

You can manage advertising from business accounts on your own or let digital marketing agencies manage for you.

Chanras Platforms has an advertising service that can help manage your advertising on Talkou and other ad networks.

Chanras Platforms advertising service


Talkou has a product onboarding process that can be an effective way of selling products online when combined with its own advertising.

Chanras Digital has the SaleUp™ service that can help manage your advertising and product onboarding on Talkou effectively.

Chanras Platforms SaleUp™ service

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